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Moonofalabama – Enquiry into Origins and Early Days of SMO (June 2023)
Posted by: Sushi | Jun 1 2023 18:51 utc | 279
„What I now propose is to draft a series on the Past of the SMO, at least the first week, and then post it on MoA, obtain the benefit of the raucous intelligence that inhabits the bar and see if it is possible for us to thrash out a rough history. History is open to alternate interpretations and it should be possible to state alternate interpretations/explanations and the evidence to support each such alternate interpretation.“Sushi, I was directed to your comment by English Outsider over on AM’s site. As you’ll see from my conversation with him, I think your proposed series on the „Past of the SMO“ is an excellent idea. As a small contribution I’ve gathered what are hopefully all the relevant posts in the threads pointed to by EO into a Word doc. If it’s of any interest, you can find it at this link. Look forward to seeing what comes out of the project. Posted by: Ingolf Eide | Jun 4 2023 5:08 utc | 291
English Outsider hat nun seine Version, wie ich finde, sehr überzeugende Einschätzung zusammengefasst:
I believe that the Russians were coping adequately with that Western pressure and would have continued to do so, but that they were forced against their will to military action by the immediate and urgent threat to the Donbass. This was, therefore, no „unprovoked“ war. It was provoked by the West …
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