Trumps nominierter Vizepräsident

J.D. Vance ist für diejenigen, die Verhandlungen in der Ukraine wollen, eine gute Nachricht.

Ansonsten ist er der Inbegriff des rechten Antiglobalisten. Dazu Larry Johnson:

Meanwhile, back in Ukraine, President Zelensky caught a swift kick to the cojones (Spanish for testicles) with Trump’s announcement naming J.D. Vance as his Vice Presidential candidate. I think it is a great choice. Vance is one of the few, lone voices in the Senate to question the wisdom of continuing to pour U.S. taxpayer dollars down the Ukrainian rathole. Vance, who served as an enlisted Marine (achieving the rank of corporal) at least has the understanding of the implications of a President making decisions that can send young soldiers and Marines into combat. Zelensky must be in a panic. If Trump and Vance prevail, his days of grifting are over.

This choice also has the Bush Republican crowd howling in outrage, because it marks a clear departure from the neocon vision of fighting the world and a shift to a populous message that emphasizes improving the lives of Americans in the United States, rather than squandering billions in disastrous overseas military adventures.

Vance represents the kind of candidate that the unwashed, middle class in America have longed for. He was born and raised amid poverty in Appalachia and, through his own determination, attended college, graduated at the top of the Yale Law School and only entered politics in order to speak on behalf of the forgotten middle class. Best of all, he is, to use a Boston expression, wicked smart.

2 Gedanken zu „Trumps nominierter Vizepräsident

  • Larry Johnson ist doch sehr optimistisch, was Vance betrifft.
    Hier ein Kommentar mit Link:
    July 16, 2024 at 7:55 am
    This summer upper on Vance doesn’t sound very encouraging. He opposes Ukraine but supports an aggressive U S foreign policy everywhere else.

    In short his views are very like Trump himself. Still, might Trump/Vance at least disentangle us from the NATO beast? Other than on Israel Trump’s previous FP was mostly unfocused animosity whereas the empire builders at NATO have always had a terrible plan with the, er, bullseye centered on Russia.

    And add Vance to RFK jr. as an Israel supporter.That other third rail–Social Security–was about votes. The Israel third rail is probably about money.Taking the money out of politics would be the greatest reform but USA, USA has always been about money. Making it otherwise could be an “existential crisis.”

  • Kommentar bei Naked Capitalism:

    July 16, 2024 at 12:20 am

    former “never Trumper”
    aggressively opposed to money and arms for Ukraine
    fan of Lina Khan
    genuine child of poverty
    good looking as far as politicians go, quite beautiful wife (hindu/Indian)

    I do not mean to suggest I would vote for Trump (not that it matters who else I’ll vote for since I live in Florida) but seems to me a rather savvy choice, not an obvious vote getter since Ohio will likely already go for Trump, and a much stronger future candidate for POTUS than anyone else. That the hard core GOP’ers are not happy with him and consider him a “scary” choice for the future of the party might be considered a plus.

    I could be wrong…

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