Die EU bläst zum Letzten Gefecht

Mit Dank an Christian
O-Ton Josep Borell:


Our prosperity has been based on cheap energy coming from Russia. Russian gas – cheap and supposedly affordable, secure, and stable. It has been proved not [to be] the case. And the access to the big China market, for exports and imports, for technological transfers, for investments, for having cheap goods. I think that the Chinese workers with their low salaries have done much better and much more to contain inflation than all the Central Banks together.
So, our prosperity was based on China and Russia – energy and market.

This is a perfect storm. First, the prices increasing. Second, the reaction of the Central Banks raising interest rates in the United States. Everybody has to follow, because otherwise their currency will be devaluated. Everybody is running to raise interest rates. This will bring us to a world recession.

everything is being weaponised. Everything is a weapon: energy, investments, information, migration flows, data, etc. There is a global fight about access to some strategic domains: cyber, maritime, or outer space.

This is a battle that we are not winning because we are not fighting enough. We do not understand that it is a fight. Apart from conquering a space, you have to conquer the minds. The Russians and the Chinese are very good in that.
It is a big battle: who is going to win the spirits and the souls of people?
When we say that China is our rival, systemic rival, systemic rival means that our systems are in rivalry. And the Chinese are trying to explain to the world that their system is much better. Because, well, maybe you are not going to choose your head of government, but you will have food, and heat, and social services, you will improve your living conditions. Many people in the world, yes, they go and vote and choose their government, but their material conditions are not being improved. And in the end, people want to live a better life.

3 Gedanken zu „Die EU bläst zum Letzten Gefecht

  • Josep Borrell-„Europe is a garden… It’s the best combination (…) humankind has been able to build, the rest of the world is a jungle, and the jungle could invade the garden, and the gardeners should take care of it“

  • Wer den Geist und die Seelen seiner Bevölkerung gewinnen möchte, sollte sie nicht in Konflikte hineinziehen, die sie nicht möchten, und dafür sorgen, dass sie in guter Nachbarschaft mit ihrer Umgebung leben können (leider gibt es noch eine relativ große, die an die Leerstelle in ihrem Leben moralisches Gutmenschentum gesetzt haben – siehe die in den Leseempfehlungen verlinkte Erklärung von Michael Lüders). Man macht deutlich, dass das Wohl der eigenen Bevölkerung Geist und Seelen ihrer Repräsentanten beflügelt und nicht vornehmlich das anderer Länder (an deren Schicksal man selbstverständlich Anteil nehmen kann und soll). Und man liefert Lebensqualität anstatt dieselbe mutwillig zu zerstören.

  • Christians Kommentar dazu:

    Auf die Idee, dass man die anderen Länder, seien es Russland, Afghanistan, China oder Somalia, einfach mal selbst entscheiden lassen könnte, kommt ein EU-Außenbeauftragter offenbar nicht. Er spricht nur von fights und battles auf allen Ebenen. Möge das EU-Modell verwelken, wie er es befürchtet („otherwise, our model will perish, will not be able to survive in this world“)

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