Neue Eskalationsstufe im Ukrainekrieg


Gemeinsames Handeln erforderlich, um Europa vor einer Katastrophe zu bewahren

Der Krieg in der Ukraine ist nun in eine neue und gefährliche Eskalationsspirale eingetreten, die größte Risiken für Europa birgt“, erklärt Michael von der Schulenburg, ehemaliger UN Assistent Generalsekretär und amtierender Europaabgeordnete des Bündnis Sahra Wagenknecht (BSW) heute als Reaktion auf Berichte, dass die Ukraine Langstreckenraketen der USA und Großbritanniens auf Russland abgefeuert habe und Russland mit einer neuartigen Mittelstreckenrakete auf Ziele in der Ukraine reagiert habe.

Präsident Biden hatte sich wiederholt geweigert, Angriffe auf Russland mit von den USA und Großbritannien gelieferten Langstreckenraketen zu genehmigen, um, wie er selbst sagte, einen Dritten Weltkrieg zu vermeiden. Alle derartigen Beschränkungen nun aufzuheben, ist in höchstem Maße unverantwortlich. Biden ist offenbar der Meinung, dass es das Risiko wert ist, ganz Europa in einem nuklearen Chaos zu zerstören, wenn man den Krieg in der Ukraine nicht verlieren will.“

Es ist ganz klar, dass die scheidende US-Regierung diese Entscheidung getroffen hat, um der neuen Trump-Regierung Knüppel zwischen die Beine zu werfen und somit den Frieden in der Ukraine – und in Europa – in weite Ferne zu rücken.“

Schulenburg appelliert an seine Kollegen im Europäischen Parlament: „Wir befinden uns in der vielleicht gefährlichsten Phase dieses Krieges und müssen die Warnung der Vereinten Nationen ernst nehmen, dass sich die Situation in die falsche Richtung entwickelt. Die oberste Pflicht jedes Abgeordneten muss es jetzt sein, die Menschen in Europa vor Schaden zu bewahren. Vergessen wir unsere politischen Differenzen und handeln wir gemeinsam, um eine Katastrophe zu verhindern. Es ist höchste Zeit, dass wir uns mit Nachdruck für eine Politik der Deeskalation einsetzen und einen sofortigen Waffenstillstand fordern.“

Brüssel, den 22. November 2024

(V.i.S.d.P: Michael von der Schulenburg)

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Erhellend dazu schreibt Larry Johnson:

Now, with respect to ATACMs. Describing these missiles as long-range is inaccurate. I want to briefly review how the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (aka INF) came to be. The Europeans were terrified in the early 1980s by Soviet intermediate-range ballistic missiles because those missiles could hit all major cities in Europe. The US responded by deploying Pershing II missiles. According to Ray McGovern, the Soviets approached the United States and suggested making a deal to eliminate the intermediate-range missiles. Ray says he briefed the White House that this was a legitimate offer and the rest is history — Ronald Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev signed the INF Treaty on December 8, 1987. The treaty did the following:

The INF Treaty banned all of the two nations’ nuclear and conventional ground-launched ballistic missiles, cruise missiles, and missile launchers with ranges of 500–1,000 kilometers (310–620 mi) (short medium-range) and 1,000–5,500 km (620–3,420 mi) (intermediate-range).

So, by the definitions in this treaty, an ATACM is NOT even a short medium-range missile because it only can travel a maximum of 190 miles. Storm Shadow and SCALP missiles are another ball game. They fall into the short medium-range category. Russia, on the other hand, now has demonstrated that it has a hypersonic MIRV (i.e., Multiple Independently Targetable Reentry Vehicle) intermediate-range missile that can strike every city in Europe withing 20 minutes. It covers up to 5,000 kilometers. NATO has no answer to this threat.

Let’s review what Vladimir Putin said today:

I repeat: The testing of the ‘Oreshnik’ missile under combat conditions is being carried out by us as a response to the aggressive activities of NATO countries towards Russia. The issue of the later deployment of short- and medium-range missiles will be addressed depending on the actions of the USA and its satellite states.

The targets to be destroyed in the framework of further tests of our new missile system will be determined based on their threat to the security of the Russian Federation. We consider ourselves entitled to use our weapons against military targets of those countries that deploy their own weapons against our targets.

In the event of an escalation of aggressive activities, we will respond decisively and reciprocally. To the ruling elites of those countries who are planning to deploy their own troops against Russia, I strongly advise them to seriously reconsider. It goes without saying that, if necessary, and as a retaliatory measure, we will choose to use weapons like the ‘Oreshnik’ against targets in Ukraine, and we will instruct the civilian population, as well as citizens of friendly nations, to leave the danger zones in advance. We will do this for humanitarian reasons. We will make this public, openly, without the danger of any countermeasures from the opponent, who will also receive this information.

Why can we do this? Because, as of today, there are no countermeasures against this weapon. The missile strikes targets at a speed of 10 Mach…

The West is now on notice. If they allow Ukraine to continue to fire missiles supplied by the US, the UK, France or Germany into Russia, the Russian military will attack Western military targets, but give enough warning so that civilians and soldiers can be evacuated. It is that simple. Don’t make this overly complicated. Putin ain’t bluffing.

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